1. It's hard to appreciate things until they are gone. Some days, for example, I thought I would rather be doing anything else besides working. Now, I wish I could go back to work.
2. The airport floor is very uncomfortable.. especially when you are snowed in and it is freezing and your belly is huge. Landon and I are survivors.
3. Hand-Me-Downs ROCK.
4. Mother's Day flowers are beautiful. I Love Tulips..
5. Apparently, my belly button is the perfect place to stick an earphone so that the baby can listen, too.
6. Baby clothes are cute.. (Sorry for the upside down pic.. I don't have time to fix it right now!) A lady that Landon sold a Security System did commercial Embroidery.. so she made these for Landon. :)
Crawls like a DEERE.. created by Landon!
Good thing I think it will be cute for our little one to wear Camouflage!
7. Texas is BEAUTIFUL..
8. This guy, who you all thought was going to be a Chiropractor, is actually an aspiring CHEF. Ha.. jk. :)
9. Swollen ankles are very uncomfortable.. Don't even comment here. They are pretty nasty.
10. Sundays are still the best.. I love Sunday walks with my man. I love when he sings to me. I love the anticipation of him coming home each night. I love taking care of him, and him taking care of me. I love what a hard worker he is. I love that we are simply HAPPY.
Things to look forward to:
1. The Temple. 27 days until we are (FINALLY) sealed..
2. Daniel and Carly's baby any time..
3. Our baby at the end of the Summer..
4. Jason and Alison's baby in a while!
I can't wait for Landon to get home tonight! :) I am sooo looking forward to spending all day with him tomorrow.