Here is a summary of our summer!
Its been super fun/stressful/crazy/ironic/unpredictable one..
My oldest brother, Tyler, his NEW beautiful wife, Coree, me, and the Landons! (My husband and Nephew) (:
Landon wrestling some friends that we had over for dinner in Pittsburgh! (He is SO strong!) Really, he wrestles anyone that will wrestle him. He loves it!
Landon playing the piano with sick baby Savannah :)/:(
This is what a beautiful rose looks like on our budget (: I love this leaf(flower) Landon picked for me anyways! :D
I was a little stressed from babysitting 6 kids all week, the ceiling in our living room falling in, job interviews, learning concepts from 2 new jobs, .. (the list goes on).. and you have no idea how much better this rose made my day! My husband always knows how.. (:
My brother's dog, Ruby, got her head stuck in the bucket of cheese balls (:
Two very handsome men! Landon, holding our nephew Landon.
Bigger Better Landon's new hobby! He started with a samsung rogue (a phone) and ended up with a droid after many switches, trades, etc! He is really good at it too! He is planning on starting to play it with his truck by posting it on craigslist and seeing if anyone will trade something of greater value for it, or seeing if he can buy something of greater value for money that he sells his truck for. It is really fun!
We also got to go to California with Landon's family at their timeshare! We had a blast and I am so grateful that we got to go.
Landon and I are both working right now, so we can put him through school as long as we possibly can without taking out any student loans. We might actually make it for awhile!
P.S....Landon is the BEST looking guy INSIDE AND OUT! There is no argument with that! I love you babe!
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